Application for membership as a company with more than 10 employees but no more than 50 employees

You have decided to become a member of the BVSC? We warmly welcome you!

Mandatory fields are marked with * gekennzeichnet.

“Subsequently “Co.” stands for “company”; “Ee” stands for “employees”.”

Your new password must be at least 7 characters long.
Your new password must be at least 7 characters long.
Strasse und Hausnummer  *
Stadt  *
Land  *
Postleitzahl  *
Yes, I authorise the Bundesverband Smart City e.V. to publish the company description in the internal members' area of the BVSC website.
Yes, I authorise the Bundesverband Smart City e.V. to publish my company description on the BVSC website.
Your company description can be published in the public area of the BVSC website.
Yes, I authorise the Bundesverband Smart City e.V. to inform me by means of the BVSC member newsletter.
Yes, I agree to the storage, transmission and processing of my data by the Bundesverband Smart City e.V. in accordance with its DATA PROTECTION DECLARATION.

Annual membership fee: € 500.00

The membership fee is calculated proportionately in the year of entry ("pro rata temporis") for the started calendar year!

Yes, I apply for membership for the above-mentioned company in the Bundesverband Smart City e.V. (ASSOCIATION ARTICLES)
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